
Sorting, taking photos, listing and shipping takes forever, let alone answering messages and dealing with eBay users. Let CB Hobby take that hassle from you with our eBay Consignment service. We will take care of everything from listing to shipping, all you need to do is send us your cards (or let us know which cards from breaks) and collect payments, it's that easy!


We offer competetive rates that offer flat rate payouts. We take care of everything else including shipping and supplies.  Balance are payable as soon as we receive payment for the card, simply request payment whenever you need!


up to $49.99 - 82% payout + $1.50 fee

$50.00 to $99.99 - 82% payout

$100.00 to $249.99 - 83% payout

$250.00 to $999.99 - 84% payout

$1,000.00 to $2,499.99 - 85% payout

$2,500.00 to $4,999.99 - 86% payout

$5,000.00 and above - 88% payout


add 1% to all tiers for any PSA or BGS graded cards!